Returning to play in a manner that maximizes the health and safety of our players and referees is of utmost concern. In coordination with US Soccer Federation “Play On” guidelines and the United States Adult Soccer Association, NCASA has created a detailed best practice for leagues to adopt as a “Return To Play Guideline” for use once the State of North Carolina recommends that physical contact sports, including soccer, can safely resume.
Please utilize the best practices and safety precautions described below that are strongly recommended for leagues, teams and players. These best practices and safety precautions should be viewed as minimum standards that should be met by leagues before play can be resumed.  Additional safeguards and precautions – including decisions not to play matches even once the State has given approval – may be appropriate based on community prevalence of COVID-19 or to comply with State or local public health directives and recommendations.


General Preparation
Appoint a “Return To Play” Committee or “Point Person” to regularly review local, state and current “Return To Play” guidelines and enforcement. An important function of the committee or point person is to stay current with State and Local regulations. Ensure the league administrators are as informed as possible regarding guidelines and the on-field practices.

Devise and practice a “Contact Tracing” method. Maintain weekly records of attendance at scheduled games (and practices, if applicable) with corresponding rosters for tracing purposes. 
If possible, have each roster act as a roll call for the actual people in attendance to assist with contact tracing in case of an exposure. 

General Precautions at the Field

Schedule games with enough time between as to minimize contact of the teams leaving and the teams arriving. Consider having separate designated entrances and exits to the field (e.g., enter through one gate, exit through a different gate).

In case of delay due to inclement weather have all players return to their personal vehicle; multiple players sheltering in one vehicle is strongly discouraged. Do not gather collectively under a gazebo or any other complex structure.

Have signage, or a have a volunteer monitor or instruct players to limit how many players enter the restroom at one time.  

Understand the policies and procedures being followed by the complex at which your games are being played. How often does the restroom get cleaned? Will the restrooms have hand sanitizer? These are questions you should ask the complex management. Once learning these answers, communicate them to your members.

League matches should be held without fans and family members in attendance. If fans or family attend, they are NOT permitted to be with the team on the sidelines.  Define an area away from the teams for spectators to view the match. 

Game Time Precautions

Referees will be instructed to have corner kicks and free kicks taken expeditiously.

If possible, have disinfectant spray available to wipe down game balls before matches, at halftime and at the end of the match. 

Additional game time/game day precautions are described below in the Game Day section under Players’ Responsibilities.


1. Do not play if:
You are exhibiting any symptoms now of the COVID-19 illness caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2:
fever or chills, cough, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, headaches, or other symptoms, mild to severe, identified by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
You have had COVID-19 symptoms such that COVID-19 was likely within the past 10 days, but you have not been tested, (i.e., do not play unless it has been at least 10 days since you last had COVID-19 symptoms).
You have had COVID-19 symptoms and have a COVID-19 test pending
You tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 within the past 10 days even if you have not had any symptoms (i.e., do not play unless it has been at least 10 days since you tested positive for COVID-19 AND it has been at least 10 days since you last had COVID-19 symptoms, if any).
In the past 14 days you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 or with someone who has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in the last 14 days. 
You are deemed a “vulnerable individual” defined as “an individual with serious underlying health conditions, for example high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, compromised immune system (due to chemotherapy, or any other ailment or factor that causes immunodeficiency).”

2. Notification:
Communication is key. The player/players must notify the league administrator if any of the above conditions apply to yourself or teammates. 

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or developed symptoms consistent with COVID-19 AFTER participating in a league function, meeting, practice, or game, you must notify your team captain and the League Administrator immediately. 

Note that your privacy will be protected, but the League shall notify your team, your opponents, the referees, and anyone else who you may have been in contact with at your match.

3. Game Day:
Do the bulk of stretching prior to arriving.
Stay in your car until 30 mins before your match time.
Arrive wearing a mask. Consider having back-up masks due to sweat or weather conditions.
Must bring your own water bottle. NO SHARING WATER BOTTLES OR WATER COOLERS.
Bring personal hand sanitizer.
Teams will NOT share a sideline. There will be a designated side for home and away teams, on opposite sides of the field. Players are to go to their designated side of the field and do not stop to mingle with other individuals. 
While not playing, players should wear their mask until entering the field of play and return to wearing a mask after a reasonable cool down period while on the sidelines.  Continue to practice 6’ social distancing from teammates and other individuals.
There will be no coin toss.  Home team will decide “ball or side”.
During pre-game check-in with the referees - wear a facemask.
At half time, players must return to wearing masks after a reasonable cool down. 
Teams continue to practice social distancing during half time.
Referees must not be approached at half time or after the game for any reason. Comments to the referees should be made from a distance of at least 6 feet away.
Confronting the referees during the match including “getting in the referee’s face or approaching too close” will be viewed as dissent and the player may be given a yellow card.
No shaking hands, fist bumps, or high fives.
Players should be responsible for their own equipment, jersey, warm-ups, and bibs. 
Identify one individual from the team to be responsible for team equipment such cones and team balls.
After the game please leave the complex immediately. 

4. Disciplinary Caution
Any player who intentionally spits, coughs, or fights/touches another player or referee - will be suspended for the rest of the season and may be subject to additional fines, sanctions, or other penalties by the League’s Disciplinary Committee.


WHEREAS the below signed individual is a member and participant                                                              (Hereinafter referred to as the Player) in the League Name / NCASA adult soccer program (Hereinafter referred to as the League); and
WHEREAS the Player desires to participate in League activities; and
WHEREAS League activities had been previously suspended due to the unprecedented complications of exposure to the Covid-19 virus including orders to shut down operations by the Governor of North Carolina, USASA and NCASA; and
WHEREAS; the League has been cleared to resume operations subject to the inclusion of some social distancing requirements which are attached as an exhibit to this release and listed on the League website: and
WHEREAS; the Player understands that neither the Player, League, USASA, NCASA nor (complex owner) have any understanding of the potential risks of contracting Covid-19 from participating in League Activities; and
WHEREAS Player has already been party to previous waivers of liability to participate in League Activities, and those are still in effect. Player agrees that this waiver will be in addition to the terms of those other waivers.  
The Player Agrees as follows: 
1. That Player has been warned that participating in League activities will include being in close proximity of other persons and equipment touched by other persons and will risk Player to potential exposure to the Covid-19 virus. 
2. That while the League has undertaken certain measures to provide a socially distant experience, the League makes no representation that such measures will be effective in protecting Player from exposure to the Covid-19 Virus. 
3. That contracting the Covid-19 virus may mean that Player could suffer extreme sickness, injury, harm and even death.  That despite these risks that Player still desires to participate in League activities
4. That Player hereby waives, releases and holds harmless League, USASA, NCASA and (complex owner)  their board members, commissioners, officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives from any and all injuries, sickness, personal injury, causes of action, wrongful death, responsibility or damages of any kind related to participation in League activities and exposure to the Covid-19 Virus.  
5. That Player acknowledges that participation in League activities is voluntary, and that participation comes with a risk of exposure to Covid-19 and Player knowingly and intentionally assumes such risk as his/her own. 
6. That Player will abide by all social distancing rules and measures set forth by the League to help create a safer environment and that such rules may be enforced by any game official or league official as they may deem necessary.  
7. That failure to abide by all social distancing rules and measures set forth by the League may result in any or all the following measures as the league may see fit at the League’s sole discretion: 
a. Immediate termination or suspension of games or other League activity by Player or Player’s Team.
b. Termination of Player rights to participation in League activities
c. Fines against the Player or his/her team. 
By signing below Player agrees to the terms of this waiver.

Print Name                                                                     Date
