WHEREAS the below signed individual is a member and participant                                                              (Hereinafter referred to as the Player) in the League Name / NCASA adult soccer program (Hereinafter referred to as the League); and
WHEREAS the Player desires to participate in League activities; and
WHEREAS League activities had been previously suspended due to the unprecedented complications of exposure to the Covid-19 virus including orders to shut down operations by the Governor of North Carolina, USASA and NCASA; and
WHEREAS; the League has been cleared to resume operations subject to the inclusion of some social distancing requirements which are attached as an exhibit to this release and listed on the League website: and
WHEREAS; the Player understands that neither the Player, League, USASA, NCASA nor (complex owner) have any understanding of the potential risks of contracting Covid-19 from participating in League Activities; and
WHEREAS Player has already been party to previous waivers of liability to participate in League Activities, and those are still in effect. Player agrees that this waiver will be in addition to the terms of those other waivers.  
The Player Agrees as follows: 
1. That Player has been warned that participating in League activities will include being in close proximity of other persons and equipment touched by other persons and will risk Player to potential exposure to the Covid-19 virus. 
2. That while the League has undertaken certain measures to provide a socially distant experience, the League makes no representation that such measures will be effective in protecting Player from exposure to the Covid-19 Virus. 
3. That contracting the Covid-19 virus may mean that Player could suffer extreme sickness, injury, harm and even death.  That despite these risks that Player still desires to participate in League activities
4. That Player hereby waives, releases and holds harmless League, USASA, NCASA and (complex owner)  their board members, commissioners, officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives from any and all injuries, sickness, personal injury, causes of action, wrongful death, responsibility or damages of any kind related to participation in League activities and exposure to the Covid-19 Virus.  
5. That Player acknowledges that participation in League activities is voluntary, and that participation comes with a risk of exposure to Covid-19 and Player knowingly and intentionally assumes such risk as his/her own. 
6. That Player will abide by all social distancing rules and measures set forth by the League to help create a safer environment and that such rules may be enforced by any game official or league official as they may deem necessary.  
7. That failure to abide by all social distancing rules and measures set forth by the League may result in any or all the following measures as the league may see fit at the League’s sole discretion: 
a. Immediate termination or suspension of games or other League activity by Player or Player’s Team.
b. Termination of Player rights to participation in League activities
c. Fines against the Player or his/her team. 
By signing below Player agrees to the terms of this waiver.

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